Imagine for a moment that in the creation sequence when God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation…” marble-size balls of fire were produced instead. When God told mankind to “fill the earth, and subdue it,” what if He really meant for lions to be in charge, as ’king of beasts’ and to subdue man? What would this say about God’s word?
The very essence of truth was established in the creation sequence. When God said, “Let there be light,” the Bible tells us, “and there was light.” The very thing that came from the mouth of God was God’s intention and the result. A person could go though the entire creation sequence and see the same pattern of truth. So, from the beginning, truth was established.
Truth is especially important in relationships. Only thorough truth is trust built. When a new acquaintance tells his name, it is accepted as true, based on the assumption of mutual trust. As the relationship continues, it grows stronger through consistent truthfulness. Without the confidence of truth in a relationship, the relationship will not survive for long.
In Scripture, God is always true to His word. When He speaks, He speaks truth. There are things that God has not revealed to mankind, yet they are withheld according to His wisdom. So, His revelation to man is true and complete, though it may not be exhaustive. (How could we even understand all that God could reveal?)
In light of God’s intimate relationship with truth, what does he expect of created man?
In short, God expects truth. When we speak, we must speak according to reality.
Esau, the older of the twin sons of Isaac, expected to receive from his father the blessing and the birthright. The birthright was a double-portion of the physical inheritance. The blessing pertained to the future and was prophetic in nature. The oldest son was promised preeminence in the family. Blessings were given in regard to position, rule, dominion, strength, longevity, prosperity and relationships.
Isaac was Abraham’s son of promise and he received both the birthright and the blessing. However when he was old and ready to pronounce the coveted blessing on His son Esau, Jacob stole the blessing from his father by pretending to be Esau.
Later Isaac realized Jacob’s deception. However, the only thing he could say to Esau was, “He shall be blessed.” Isaac could not undo what had been done. He could not take back the things he had said as a blessing to Jacob even though Jacob’s deception was unfair.
Isaac live by a code of truth. Whatever a man spoke, it was regarded as set and unchangeable. That was how he established good character. It was the basic ingredient of integrity . It was how relationships were built and maintained.
People have devised all kinds of ways to hide their lies: deception, half-truth, white lie, clever marketing, loop-hole, etc. Yet, a lie is a lie.
Just as it is with God, man is expected to speak truth. Whenever you or I speak, it should be as firm and representative of reality as God’s word in creation. We must not play games with words to hide lies. A lie hides or obscures truth. It violates the most basic element on which relationships are built.
Why is lying sinful? A lie stands against reality and opposes the very nature of God.
Mark Stinnett
February 26, 2023