God desires people to be selfless, not selfish. He wants us to look out for the interests of others, not just ourselves. He wants us to be like Christ. (Philippians 2:4)
Discipline is the tool parents use to teach sharing, thoughtfulness, kindness, and service. “No” is often a more loving answer than “Yes,” at least when teaching the ideals of God.
Some have thought that a person free from restraint will prove to be highly creative. However, history bears out the opposite. The greatest discoveries and inventions have been the products of persistence and determination in overcoming obstacles, nature’s way of saying, “No.”
Parents, discipline is a key element in the development of creativity in a child. It helps them to understand how do deal with obstacles and limitations in life and to form a disciplined lifestyle. That self-discipline will also help them to excel in doing good works and ministering to others as God desires. (Ephesians 2:10)
Undisciplined children tend to have a skewed sense of self-importance. They expect things to work out in their favor. They expect others to make sacrifices for them. They might have a sense of benevolence, but prefer to use the resources of others instead of their own.
Discipline is a key element in teaching a strong work ethic, patience while saving money, self-sacrifice, and generosity toward others. God teaches His children to work so that they will have something to share with those in need. (Ephesians 4:28)
There are often natural consequences, such as a blister on the finger when touching a hot surface. However, not all actions in life come with immediate consequences. For example, telling a lie might go unnoticed without consequences. Saving money has no immediate reward. One function of parental discipline is to teach a child about consequences when natural consequences are not immediate.
When, through discipline, consequences are learned, justice is taught, laying the groundwork for understanding mercy. Patience is taught, laying the groundwork for understanding hope.
To avoid conflict, many parents make sacrifices of time, money and effort. They buy what their child wants. They go where their child wants. They do what their child wants. Everything revolves around the child getting his/her way. The child becomes head of the house.
God wants children to obey their parents. Children are to honor their father and mother. (Ephesians 6:1-2) If parents do not insist on obedience and honor through proper discipline, their children will not learn to honor and obey any other authority including God himself. Discipline will save a child’s soul.
Discipline in the home teaches children how to walk in righteousness. It should not be viewed as a mere biblical command, but rather an essential key to life!
Cease listening to discipline, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.—Proverbs 19:27
Mark Stinnett
February 12, 2023
Well said. Children do best in a home with a great balance of love and discipline. Obedience to parents lays the foundation for obeying, honoring, and worshipping God.