Off the top of your head, how many words can you list that describe negative, hurtful, or sinful speech?
- Slander,
- Lies,
- False Witness,
- Gossip,
- Flattery,
- Deceit,
- Guile,
- Loose tongue/lips,
- False accusation,
- Babbler.
Even the last item on my list is bad. My dad had a rather unflattering way to describe the babbler. He said it was a person with ‘diarrhea of the mouth!’
The babbler may not actually be saying bad things or hurting others, but the babbler does not listen; cannot be taught; always has more to say. Babblers are selfish talkers.
Life or Ruin . . . You Choose!
The one who guards his mouth preserves his life;
The one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.
--Proverbs 13:3
The one who guards his mouth gives thought to his words before speaking. He uses his words to encourage, to speak truth, to honor God and men, to express love and appreciation. He uses his tongue for instruction; he uses his tongue for discipline when necessary.
The one who guards his mouth chooses his words wisely. He does not excuse himself, “That’s just the way I am.” He thinks first and is considerate of the feelings of others.
The one who guards his mouth is teachable, knowing that there is a time to talk, but also a time to listen. He knows that he is not all-knowing, not all-wise. Even when he ‘knows,’ he allows another to share an idea; after all, he may still need to be taught.
The one who guards his mouth is often silent. . .
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