Monday, August 6, 2018


It is one of my daughters’ favorite places to eat. So, I’ve been there a few times. I recognized one of the waitresses (Carley) who is about the age of my oldest daughter. As a general rule I tip generously when eating out, thinking, “She is someone’s daughter. I should treat her like I would want folks to treat my daughter.” I often write a short note at the bottom of my receipt to acknowledge the good service I’ve received. (And I never lie; cranky waitresses get no note.)

On one occasion a while back I was at that favorite place for lunch and Carley waited on me. I enjoyed an especially good meal and good service. At the bottom of my receipt, I wrote one word, “Delightful.”

The other day I returned and sat in the same general area and Carley was working. To my surprise she greeted me from across the restaurant and as soon as she could she rushed over to my table and said, “I’ve got to show you something.”

(We all enjoy a little special attention when we go out to eat, but I’ll be honest, it was a little more attention than I expected and I was glancing around to make sure I had a clear path to an exit if necessary.)

Carley pushed through dozens of photos on her phone to show me a picture of my receipt from my previous visit: “Delightful.” Tearing up, she explained that she had been having a bad day and my little one-word note was a real encouragement. She took the picture and kept it hoping that she could share it with me.

Needless to say, THAT made my day!

We sometimes talk about our Christian example and the fact that we never know the lives that we may touch. A good example; a good deed; a kind word...literally…‘a’ kind word.

I’ve always known that my personal ‘tipping policy’ was good because it is ultimately rooted in the words of Jesus: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (I simply extended its application.)

My experience reminded me of how important it is to treat every person with sincere kindness. People are important. People are valuable. Even when I go out to eat and expect a good meal and expect good service for the money I spend, I encounter real people who are important and valuable in God’s eyes. How do I know this?
Answer: John 3:16.

I was also mindful of the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount about His disciples being salt and light. Go back and read what Jesus said about being salt (Matthew 5:13). Look it up and see if He was referring to the flavor-enhancing quality of salt. We who are in Christ are supposed to be salt in this world. That means that we are supposed to make life taste good to those around us.

I don’t know what may come of this seemingly chance encounter. But a door of opportunity has opened for me to say something to Carley about Jesus; all because of a simple kindness based on the Golden Rule.

So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. —Galatians 6:10 (NASB95)

Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. —Colossians 4:5 (NASB95)
We ARE salt. 
So, think about being delightfully salty and watch for opportunities that God may bring into your life.

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