The sensitivity of people in our nation is at an all-time high. (The way you interpret the word 'sensitivity' might be positive or negative.)
I saw an ad posted on social media recently after which several 'comments' were posted. The comments offered testimonials for the product. Then followed a comment accusing those posting the testimonials of being paid for their endorsement. Following the accusation were dozens of comments agreeing and disagreeing with the accusation, and accusing the accuser of a judgmental and intolerant attitude. Sound familiar?
"Tolerance" has become the banner cry of our nation's younger generation. It's companion: "Don't judge me!"
Who would disagree? Tolerance seems to support 'peace on earth' and that would be a really good thing. Likewise, to rid society of judgmental and prejudicial attitudes would make life so much better. This kind of thinking seems to promote love and harmony. However...
I've noticed something, perhaps you have too. Our society's cry for tolerance masks a deep-seated problem that is self-defeating. Too many people apply tolerance reflexively. In other words, they apply it to themselves wanting everyone to tolerate them so that they can enjoy a life with no restraints. They are fools!
I have taken the word fool from the Proverbs in the Bible. By definition the fool lacks good sense in the social, moral and practical areas of life. Tolerance thinking cannot be sustained the way our society preaches. A lack of personal restraint is sure to lead to anarchy (chaos where no one rules). I do not need to cite studies; common sense will do.
A lack of self-restraint is unhealthy for government, society, church, family and even the individual. The answer...discipline. (I warned you.)
A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey,The whip is used to make a horse do what the horse is meant to do. A bridle is used to make a donkey do what the donkey is meant to do. The horse, left on its own is wild and relatively useless; so also the donkey.
And a rod for the back of fools.
--Proverbs 26:3
Left on his own (with no restraint), the fool is like a wild animal, relatively useless. For the fool to do what is worthwhile and right, a rod is necessary.
Though a literal rod was used in Solomon’s day, it symbolically represents any measure of appropriate strong discipline.
The fact that the whip works for the horse, and the fact that the bridle works for the donkey should tells us with great clarity that strong discipline will work in the case of the fool.
The rod is not about punishment but rather, discipline.
- The rod of discipline has a purpose.
- The rod of discipline is not pleasant.
- The rod of discipline works.
- The rod of discipline is necessary.
Christians, self-discipline is necessary so that 'rod' will not be necessary.
Parents, the 'rod' is necessary for your children.