Monday, December 11, 2017

Holy Smoke

Of our five senses, sight is probably the one we protect and rely on the most. Next would be hearing and speech. So, what about our senses of smell and taste?

It might surprise you to know that there are many scientific studies in the areas of taste and smell. In fact, the sense of smell is quite powerful. Americans, however, have generally desired to mask unpleasant odors, which makes us an exception among the nations of the world.

According to “The Smell Report” by the Social Issues Research Center (yes, this is real), humans are able to detect thousands of odors even when present in infinitesimally small amounts. Yet this pales in comparison to many animals whose sense of smell is 10 to 20 times more sensitive than that of humans.

Discoveries regarding the human sense of smell are quite extraordinary. But even more amazing is how our sense of smell coordinates with our memory. Most adults can probably relate from experience what ‘smell studies’ have concluded through research: A single odor smelled in years past can immediately bring back vivid memories of the original event.

For example, for many folks, it is the sense of smell that brings back fond memories of a special holiday.

Did you know that God actually created a specific aroma for the ancient Israelites to use in their worship?

The book of Exodus contains many requirements regarding sacrifices, feasts, fasts, the clothing of the priests, the articles used in the tabernacle, the utensils used in the sacrifices, and so on. Among these many regulations was a special formula for the anointing oil and incense that were to be used in the worship (Exodus 30:22-38). The anointing oil was 'Holy' oil, and the incense was 'Holy' incense. Each was to be used only in the tabernacle and only for the worship of God. Neither of these could be used on the body as a perfume. They were prescribed by God and belonged exclusively to God: Holy.

The purpose seems clear: The fragrances from the holy oil and holy incense were used as a call to worship through the sense of smell. After smelling the distinct fragrances of God’s holy oil and holy incense, it would not have been long before the Israelites would have associated those fragrances with worship to God.

That unique smell communicated “worship” to the mind of the people. It was the smell of surrender to God; the fragrance of praise and honor to God; the aroma of security in the arms of God.

Whenever a person had been away from the worship for a period of time and then returned to the assembly, they would breathe deeply of that sweet smelling aroma and remember their God, their Deliverer, their Creator.

With the exclusive scent of the Holy Oil and the aroma of the Holy Incense, God called his people to remember Him and to worship Him.

Who is this wise and wonderful God who would assign a specific fragrance to the worship? One cannot help but stand in awe!


There is another aroma found in the Bible. The Apostle Paul reminded Christians:
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing....
--2 Corinthians 2:14-15
Just as the aroma from the holy oil and the holy incense reminded the Israelites of the worship of God, Christians today are the aroma of Christ in this world reminding people of Christ and calling them to worship Him.

May we conduct ourselves in such a way that we will be the sweet smelling fragrance of Christ to all who encounter us.

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