Monday, January 15, 2024

More Important Than...

Do you remember the apostles’ argument about who was the greatest among them?
(Read about it in Luke 9:46-48.)

Jesus used a child as an object lesson on humility. I can only imagine that the apostles felt ashamed.

Have you ever been in a situation when someone else was receiving the attention and you were being left out? Perhaps they received recognition when you had also made sacrifices. Perhaps someone was promoted, but you were overlooked even though you knew that you were equally or better qualified. Perhaps you have been overlooked at home for doing all kinds of mundane tasks you perform…repeatedly. You want to feel appreciated; you want to know that you are important.

What would happen if everything were reversed? Really reversed!?

Married couples, what if you came home and greeted your spouse as if he/she were more important than yourself: “You are more important than my needs. What can I do for you?”

Instead of insisting that your needs be met; instead of struggling to be appreciated, instead of manipulating things for your personal advantage, instead of forcing your responsibilities onto someone else, instead of rationalizing your own importance...what if you literally adopted the attitude that your spouse is of greater importance than you?

It is a rather expensive prospect. By that I mean that your spouse could take advantage of you, your time, your energy. You might forfeit some relaxation; forfeit your favorite television show or ball game; forfeit some personal reading or computer time; forfeit an activity with your friends. You might find yourself doing some tasks that you normally leave for your spouse. You might attend a function/dinner/outing that you would not prefer. You might need to keep the kids or entertain your in-laws. You might have to spend your money on your spouse to buy something he/she needs instead of what you want. You might have to listen when you think you already know.

It could be expensive but...what if?
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself.
—Philippians 2:3
The apostle Paul did not write this specifically to married couples, but to all Christians. This is the key that unlocks contentment. It applies to all of our relationships: spouse, parent, child, fellow Christian, elder, Bible class teacher, class participant; young, old; single, married; adults, someone else’s children; the list goes on and on.

It is natural to want to be treated as important by other people. However, I think that most of us would feel just a little embarrassed if someone said aloud: “You are more important than I.”

Knowing the plan, Jesus prayed to God asking if there was any other way than the cross. Even without a recorded answer in scripture, we know the answer was, “No.” Jesus was determined to do God’s will.

Jesus regarded you as more important than Himself and He died in your place. Jesus came to your home (earth) and said, “You are more important than I.” And He has turned the world upside down with that attitude!

What if…
     this world…
                                         ...we acted just like Jesus?

What IF...?

Mark Stinnett
January 14, 2024

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