Monday, December 14, 2020

Losing Control to the Spirit

Being led by the Spirit of God sounds like a good idea. But what does it really mean? What do I have to do to be led by the Spirit? 

For many people that idea is scary. Most of us have been programmed from birth with the All-American “you-can’t-tell-me-what-to-do” attitude. That tends to bump up against the idea of being led or controlled by the Spirit of God. So, what does it look like when the Spirit leads me?

Being led by the Spirit suggests a leader-follower relationship. It is more than thinking, “I’ll let God’s Spirit drive while I sit in the passenger’s seat.” Following involves active participation that is both willing and intentional.

When Paul wrote about being led by the Spirit he set up a contrast between the “deeds of the flesh” and the “fruit of the Spirit.” He then made a revealing shift in the whole idea of being ‘led’ by the Spirit; a life and death contrast:
Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
—Galatians 5:24-25
Living by the Spirit sounds all-encompassing, doesn't it?. In other words, there is not a part of your life that you keep for yourself for your own personal control. Being led by the Sprit is to live by the Spirit. You must hand over all of your life to God so that the Spirit of God can have control. It’s for your own good.

Our human nature rebels against such a notion. We want to choose. We want to govern. We want to be in control.

So, is there anything that you have difficulty giving over to God? Where do you want to retain control? Some people have problems in these areas:

American freedom: 
What has God done in the past when a nation becomes corrupt, immoral and violent? What if God takes action against America? Will you demand your way or submit to God’s leadership through the Spirit? (This is not an anti-America stance; I’m pro-Spirit!)

Financial independence: 
Are you willing to give God everything...except your bank account, retirement account, financial decisions? Through observation we are led to believe that money solves our problems. Solomon even validated that notion in Ecclesiastes 10:19. (But you should also read Ecclesiastes 5:10-12 and 7:12.)

Food lust: 
Yes, lust. Food lust has the following demands: Lots of food, food storage, variety, easy access, and ‘what I like.’ Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “Some people eat to live; but others live to eat.” (Usually said at a feast, followed by uproarious laughter to justify, or mask, one’s overeating.)

Sexual desires: God created us as sexual beings and sexual cravings are real. Many people want to be in control of their sex life, but in reality, they want nothing to control their sexual desire.

Being led by the Spirit (living by the Spirit) means that I give all of my life to God. It means that I sacrifice those pet areas where I want to maintain control. 
  • Being led by the Spirit means that I am not focused on my rights, my freedom, my nation. 
  • It means that I have a healthy attitude toward money; I am not selfish, but generous, kind and benevolent. 
  • It means that my food cravings do not control me. I can be content with not having what I want, when I want it and the variety I want. I think more about God than my belly. 
  • It means that I am not focused on my sexual cravings even when my body is telling me it’s hungry. Marriage comes before sex. Then, Paul tells me, in marriage I am to satisfy my spouse, not myself. (1 Corinthians 7:1-5)
Being led by the Spirit is about exchanging my will for God’s will. So, whatever may be your pet area of desire, you need to willingly and intentionally lose control to the Spirit of God. You belong to Christ. 

Mark Stinnett
December 13, 2020

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