Monday, November 2, 2020

Disobedience Never Changes Reality

My friend just couldn't bring herself to apply physical discipline to her children (spanking). She equated spanking with 'hitting' and "no one should ever hit anyone." Another friend struggled with the biblical concept of forgiveness thinking that it might give a person the idea that sin was ok. I once read a comment posted by a fellow on social media who justified his infidelity by saying, “there is no way that Jesus kept himself sexually pure.”

The examples are endless of people who waiver in obeying God's word unless they can understand by using their personal reasoning or experience. However, just because they do not understand does not mean that God's instruction is without value or incorrect.

In the 1990's the Ukrainian government saw value in introducing common Christians values from the Bible into its school curriculum. They recognized that moral teaching from the Bible would promote a better society. The reality is that God has provided instruction that is beneficial to people whether they see the wisdom in it or not; whether they believe in Jesus or not.

In the 119th Psalm King David wrote of his love for God's word saying that he meditated on the Law of God. He observed:
Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies;
I have more insight than all my teachers;
I understand more than the aged.
He was not boasting in himself, but expressing the timeless truth of God's word. He saw that by observing God's word he surpassed those who were generally considered wiser and more experienced.

In my youth I vividly remember preachers pounding the pulpit: "God said it; I believe it; that settles it." "You don't have to understand; just obey." While at some level that is true, God has given considerable explanation so that we CAN understand why He gave His instruction. There are many examples in Scripture of people who obeyed and who disobeyed, each providing more reasoning for following God's instruction. If there is any conclusion to be drawn it is that God desires us to understand. Yet, simple obedience without understanding is far better than disobedience because of a lack of understanding.

The thing to remember when you do not understand God’s instruction is that God has never been arbitrary. He is not playing games with mankind. Behind His instruction is purpose and reason. After all, He IS the creator of this stuff we call 'human.' He designed us; He knows us; He knows what is best for us. AND He loves us. So, even when we cannot see behind the curtain of understanding, disobedience is never justified by our lack of understanding. Disobedience never changes reality.
Blessed are those who find wisdom,
    those who gain understanding,
For she is more profitable than silver
    and yields better returns than gold.
She is more precious than rubies;
    nothing you desire can compare with her.
—Proverbs 3:13–15 (NIV)
We ought to strive for understanding. Yet, when we have unanswered questions regarding God’s word, we must trust. He truly knows what is best and supplies every need.

Mark Stinnett
November 1, 2020

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