Wednesday, September 16, 2020

How Important Is Truth To You?

Have you ever had anyone lie to you?

I’m not thinking about practical jokes or being silly. I’m not thinking about bluffing or withholding information, strategies used in some games. I am thinking about someone telling you a lie and expecting you to believe the lie as if it were the truth. Then, you discover the lie! 

What was that like?
How did it make you feel?
How did you feel about the other person?

Lies frustrate us; lies anger us. Lies cost us time, money and effort. Lies weaken relationships.

In the home lies are a cause for strong discipline. Lies create distance between husbands and wives; between children and parents.

A government official who lies can no longer be trusted. A teacher who lies can no longer be trusted. A writer/journalist who lies can no longer be trusted. Betrayed trust causes the liar to become ineffective in his/her work.

I cannot think of anyone who would disagree with the things I’ve just written. Would YOU!?

Let me change the tone and ask: “Is there ever a time when a person is justified in lying?” And just to keep things personal: “In what cases would you want someone to lie to YOU?
  • When your blood work comes back indicating you have diabetes or cancer?
  • When your bank account is overdrawn?
  • When your child is injured at school?
  • When your employer makes a major policy change affecting your position?
  • When a friend hears a rumor about you?
I have heard people defend situations in which it was OK to lie. Yet, when asked, “When is it OK for someone to lie to YOU?” I have never known anyone to produce a list.

An acquaintance of my dad asked him to speak at the funeral of a relative. Dad agreed, but struggled. What could he say? The deceased had been a mean and selfish man. Dad addressed the small crowd that had gathered by first acknowledging that the man had been ‘mean and selfish’ to everyone. Dad recalled seeing the tense audience relax. With a measure of tact, dad had told the truth, and the people were understanding and even appreciative.

People love the truth; people expect the truth. Lies offend, disappoint, confuse and destroy.

One thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light is that people choose what they believe. Truth exists, though often difficult to discover. Yet, people ultimately choose what they wish to believe, even if it is a lie.

When it comes to the Bible, truth is revealed. Yet, people still choose what they ‘wish’ to believe, even if it is a lie. Some have been deceived by the intellects of our day. Some love the things of this world and desire to pursue them more than pursuing God. Some do not want to admit that their behaviors and attitudes are sinful. Some are indifferent. And for some, getting to the truth is...just...too...difficult.

People hate lies. People love truth. Yet, too often, people choose to believe what they want, even if it is a lie.

Read the following two verses from the Bible. What do these reveal about truth? God? Jesus? Salvation?
The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
—Romans 1:18  (NASB95)
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” 
—John 14:6 (NASB95)
Now, take yourself out of the picture and simply ask yourself, “How important is truth?”

Mark Stinnett
September 13, 2020

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