Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Golden Rule...for 'Today'

On Saturday (July, 18th) my family attended a wedding. We are continually mindful of the presence of ‘the virus’ and want to stay healthy AND be considerate of others. For that reason, even a trip to a store can be an occasion that demands forethought...about the virus; a wedding, even more so.

We were early arrivals at the wedding and I observed people entering with masks who kept their masks on throughout the ceremony. Others entered without masks and remained unmasked. Others entered without masks, mingled with people, then sat down and put on masks. Still others entered with masks, sat down and removed their masks.

What do you think about all that?

Here are some labels (in order): The masked, the non-masked, the maskers, and the unmaskers. Do the labels help you to sort things out?

I know that people have different perceptions and motives. Some people mask themselves to be cautious, some out of fear, some out of consideration. When you see someone wearing a mask, you cannot be sure of their perception and intent: caution, fear, consideration.

Some people choose not to wear a mask based on personal awareness. They have considered articles, statistics, guidelines, etc. and have concluded that the mask is not necessary for them. Others who do not mask do so in defiance of government with the intent of demonstrating their liberty to go maskless. They openly declare their attitude, “You can’t tell me what to do.” When you see someone without a mask, you cannot be sure of their perception and intent.

Here’s the point of all this: Mask behavior during the declared COVID-19 pandemic does not necessarily reveal the attitude of one’s heart.

That is a really important and true statement. It naturally leads to a really important teaching statement that we all need to take to heart:

‘Mask behavior’ must not be used as a standard for judging people.

In Romans 14 Paul addressed Christians who stood in judgment of fellow Christians because of things they ate or did not eat; and for the way they did or did not observe special days on the calendar.

In our day, mask behavior could easily turn into an issue in which people stand in judgment of others. ‘Non-maskers’ could label ‘maskers’ as being foolish, uninformed, fearful and lacking faith. ‘Maskers’ could label ‘non-maskers’ as rule-breakers, defiant and uncooperative. If we pre-judge another person we assume the role of God and made a conclusion about that person’s conscience and heart without speaking to them. Prejudice is ungodly and divisive!

There are many extreme attitudes and extreme behaviors. Amidst all that is the truth, even though it is frustratingly difficult to find. I believe Romans 14 provides us direction:
  • In behavior: We must exercise our convictions with the Lord in mind. So, let me ask, How would Jesus judge your behavior?
  • In intent: We must consider our personal motives in how we make decisions. How would Jesus judge the intentions of your heart?
  • In attitude: We must show kindness and consideration to others. How would Jesus judge your attitude toward others?
In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you.
--Matthew 7:12

Mark Stinnett
July 26, 2020

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