Sunday, July 21, 2019

Descent into Death

Solomon is quite vivid as he warns his son about the adulterous woman in Proverbs 7. 

He also refers to her as a 'foreign' woman and as a 'strange' woman. She is called a foreign woman, not because she is from a different country, but because she does not belong in the life of the young man. We use similar terminology to describe a substance that does not belong. Poison in a drink is a foreign substance; an infection is caused by a foreign matter.

The adulterous woman is already married. So to the young man, she is foreign; she does not belong with him. If the young man is to keep himself pure before God, the foreign woman must be avoided.

She is called a 'strange' woman in Proverbs 2:16. The same Hebrew word described the 'non-Levite' or layman (non-priest) in Leviticus 22:10, 12, 13). The layman is not odd, but strange with respect to the duties and privileges of the priests. God assigned the priesthood to the Levites. So, all others were strangers and forbidden.

The adulterous woman is a stranger with respect to the young man. She does not belong in his life. He is forbidden from having her.

Proverbs chapter seven paints a terrible picture of the young man who is captivated by the beauty and flattery of the married woman. We would prefer not to read the final verse. We want the young man to come to his senses like the Prodigal Son in Jesus’ parable (Luke 15). We want wisdom to triumph in the life of the young fool who has gone one step too far. We want to see insight; we expect redemption.

Reality is cruel and sobering!

That is not to say that there is no hope. Rather, Solomon takes our minds to the natural end of the foolish man who has no discretion. He wants us to see the terrible conclusion of someone who turns from God and scoffs at His wisdom. He wants us to come to terms with the reality of foolish sexual desires. The final verse:
Her house is the way to Sheol,
Descending to the chambers of death.
--Proverbs 7:27
Have you ever seen a woman who is physically attractive, yet something about her is distasteful? She really is beautiful, but something about her makes her seem ugly to you. For me it is the beautiful young lady dressed in inviting clothing...with a beer in one hand and the other hand holding a cigarette to her lips. Ugly! Perhaps for you it is excessive makeup; a certain kind of clothing; the way she carries herself when she walks; an odor that repulses you; use of profanity.

Any time an adulterous woman enters into your life superimpose your 'ugly' image onto her. She is foreign to you, strange; she is forbidden.

Whether she appears on the Internet, or catches your eye while on a business trip, alone at the park, on vacation, at the store, or at your work place, mark her with your repulsive image. The image YOU conceive in your mind is a more accurate picture of her than the seduction and flattery that you see on the outside.

Don't deceive yourself saying, “I can resist temptation.” "It's OK, no one will know." "I'm not developing a relationship, I'm only looking." You are only teasing yourself, drawing yourself into your own deception. Envision the strange woman as she really is.

Do not start down the path to death.
Don't be a fool.

Mark Stinnett

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