Monday, July 15, 2019

Are You a Treasure Seeker?

Have you ever hunted for treasure?

I’m not talking about fictitious pirate treasure or combing through the grass in the back yard looking for a lost coin or ring. I am talking about real treasure that you know has been hidden in some way, not necessarily buried, just hidden.

Have you ever gone in search for silver?

What would you do? How would you find a silver mine?

Silver does not generally occur in nature as a solid nugget. Rather, it is found in combination with other materials such as copper or lead. The silver be refined, or purified, through a process that removes the impurities.

In all likelihood you would not be searching for a silver mine, but perhaps antique silver at a flea market or garage sale. 

Without any other information, what would you say is the basic reason for the search for silver or a hidden treasure?

Before anyone ever begins a search for treasure or for silver, there is a very elementary fact that exists, but one that is easily overlooked: value. Silver is a precious metal with intrinsic value. A treasure likewise has significant value. They are both worth the effort of making a search because they are valuable.

Solomon writes about the pursuit of the ‘wisdom’ and ‘knowledge’ of God. He encourages us to search for God's wisdom and knowledge like we might search for silver or hidden treasure. The idea is that wisdom and knowledge have intrinsic value. In other words, they possess value in and of themselves.

Is the wisdom and knowledge of God of any value to you?

   If you seek her as silver, 
   And search for her as for hidden treasures...
   --Proverbs 2:4

Obviously, when silver is discovered you possess something of value; likewise, treasure. Yet, silver and treasure do not usually just fall into your lap. In general, there is an intentional search. It takes time; it takes effort; and it may come with intermediate disappointments. When a person searches for something of value he must press forward with courage and steadfastness knowing that the final result will be worth the time and effort and cost.

And what is the result? What do the silver and the treasure represent in Solomon's proverb? (The answer is in verses 5 & 6.)
  • Discernment of the fear of the Lord and
  • Discovery of the knowledge of God.
Some folks cannot see the tremendous value of wisdom and knowledge. Many will pass by with disinterest. They will never engage in the search. So, they will not find.

Do you see true value in God's wisdom and knowledge?
Do not take the quest lightly. Dig deeply into God’s word with courageous persistence and expectation.

Seek the treasure!
Discovery will come.
The reward is true.
There is great value!

Mark Stinnett

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