Monday, August 21, 2017

What Would You Like To Hear?

It seems a little sarcastic to ask the question, but...
“What would you like to hear?”


The president is doing a lousy job. The election must have been rigged. Congress needs to get rid of the president. Impeach!
What a challenge it is to be the leader of such a great country! The president needs our support. Mistakes will be made, but we should rally around our nation’s leader or at least keep quiet and promote national pride.


The rich and powerful must be controlled. They do not understand the little guy. They often take unfair advantage of the system. Where’s Robin Hood when you need him!?
There are so many people with problems. They need help. The government needs to establish more programs.
God helps those who help themselves. If a man won’t work he ought not eat!
Trust in God and he will make your dreams come true. Just BELIEVE!

God is holy. He will not tolerate sin. If you don’t do right, speak right, think right, and believe right, then you’re doomed! Repent!
Jesus did not come to judge, but to save. Love demands that we tolerate the shortcomings of people. We must be patient and give folks a chance. No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care. (Hugs.)


There is only one church...and by the way, this is it! I can prove it to you with scripture. Everyone else has got it all wrong. And if you are not a part of THIS church...Repent!
Many churches are off track, but they still love Jesus and have concern for people. God is patient and makes allowances for opinions. Tolerance. Peace. Unity. COEXIST. (More hugs.)


Is anyone interested in truth?
Are people today in such despair, like Pilate, that they sigh, “What is truth?” Truth is really quite simple: Truth is reality, the way things really are. It can be difficult to find truth with all the distractions and lies in the world, and with our own self-deceptions and perceptions. Yet...

God has declared truth.
God wants you to know truth.

Many people have already decided how they want to think, what they want to believe. Fabricated ‘truth’ is fine for them. Myth is meaningful. They only listen to people who applaud their thinking and promote their beliefs.

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.

           —2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NLT)

We laugh at the ancients for believing in their mythologies. Are we also laughing at ourselves???

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