Monday, August 8, 2016

Insight into Insight...

     The righteous is concerned for the rights of the poor,
     The wicked does not understand such concern.
     --Proverbs 29:7

The one who is righteous is engaged in behavior that is descriptive of the nature of God. So, he adopts the character of God as his own character.

Let me illustrate:

When I was in my teens and twenties I worked for my dad a few summers building houses. Dad would give me instructions on how to accomplish tasks, but also how to care for my tools. He also told me his expectations with regard to his crew of carpenters. I did what 'the boss' said.

I began to see the wisdom of dad's instruction through practice. Over time the things he taught became habits. I began to think like he thought about my tools, about the guys that worked for him, and about the expected quality of work. The values dad taught are now a part of me, "The job is not finished until the tools are put away..." just like dad said.

Not only did I learn valuable lessons, I learned something about my dad. I gained insight into his character by doing the things he taught!

The revealed word of God, Scripture, reflects God’s character. God has not given mankind instruction that in any way opposes his divine character. So, when a person follows God in righteousness, he speaks like God speaks, acts like God acts, and even learns to think like God thinks. Through the practice of righteousness he gains insight into the character of God.

Reflecting on the proverb above...
God is deeply concerned for the poor. The righteous person is concerned for the rights of the poor, not because he is a natural humanitarian, but because of his insight into God’s character through righteousness.

The wicked person is baffled; no insight; no concern for the poor.

Pursue righteousness; gain insight into God's character.

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