Monday, March 7, 2016


Think about a path through a wooded area...
Think about a path up a steep hillside...
Think about a path across a broad plain...

How did the paths become paths?
What exactly makes a path a path?

Proverbs 2 is about paths. In this short chapter there are eleven references to one's path/way/course in life. There is encouragement along with warnings. So, what is Solomon teaching about paths?

By casual observation we know that a path is a path because there is no grass or other growth. If the path is in a rocky area, the sharp edges of the rocks become worn over time. A path becomes a path because it is used over and over and over.

A path is something that is set in place; it is established. Even when a path falls into disuse, it takes a while for it to be restored to the growth patterns around it so that it disappears.

It may have started as a path of least resistance through a rough area. Once established, it certainly offers the least resistance.

Of the many things that Solomon writes about one’s path, one thing is certain. Paths are chosen. A path may have begun as a way of least resistance; even then was chosen whether by man or beast.

In life, some people wake up and find themselves on a path they do not like. Yet, it was chosen.
  • Perhaps they acknowledge poor choices.
  • Perhaps there were circumstances that that suggested or seemed to offer no other choice.
  • Perhaps it was simply the path of least resistance.
Whatever the case, every person is going along a path in life, and that path IS the one chosen.

Are you on a jagged, crooked and difficult path in life?
Is the path you are on leading you to the destination you desire?

The Proverbs can assist you in choosing and walking the better path, one with a good and joyful destination.

You CAN choose a different path.
Choose wisely.
Choose LIFE.

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