Monday, March 21, 2016

Acquire Wisdom

Acquire wisdom! Acquire understanding!
Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.
                                                           --Proverbs 4:5


Acquire means to buy or trade for something. Of course, one should not think that wisdom can be purchased from a merchant, “I’d like one bucket of wisdom, please.” Nor should one think of wisdom as an object to be possessed like some sort of collectable. However, the term ‘acquire’ is used for a reason. Perhaps we should look at the transaction itself.

If you had to explain the concept of buying and selling to a very young child, what would you tell them? How would you explain the exchange of money or property for something of value?

Think about it.

When we acquire things we generally buy them with money. Or, in more general terms, we make a trade. So, whether bartering or buying, we expect a fair exchange of things of value. How is it then that a person is to acquire wisdom and understanding? What is to be traded?

Wisdom and understanding do not come naturally. No one acquires wisdom by osmosis or gains understanding by simply attending church services or sitting in a Bible study. Yet, the value placed on wisdom and understanding is determined by whatever a person is willing offer in exchange.

Do you find wisdom and understanding to be of superior value???
What do you possess that you can offer as a trade to acquire wisdom and understanding?

What will you exchange in order to...
“Acquire wisdom! Acquire understanding!”

1 comment:

  1. You get out what you put in!!! I personally need to spend more time with my nose in the Bible. Time and focus and perseverance will be what I trade.


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