Monday, November 6, 2023

"...In Jesus' Name"

Centuries ago a commander in the king’s army approached a cottage and called for all the sons of the family who were old enough to fight in battle. The parents released their sons and the sons went willingly – The commander had come in the name of the king!

In that example, we understand that the word of the commander was not his own, but rather the word of the king. The family did not see the king’s face or hear his voice, but they recognized the king’s authority and responded accordingly.

As Christians, we have been given the right to approach God and make requests in the name of Jesus, our King. In a prayer, when we say the words, “in Jesus’ name,” we are not casting a spell or a charm. There is no magic that compels God as if we have power over Him by speaking the right words in the right order on the right occasion.
In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I will request the Father on your behalf; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from the Father. 
 —John 16:26-27
In this statement Jesus assured His disciples that in His absence they themselves would have the right to speak to God. “In Jesus’ name” was not a new rule for ending prayers, but the way in which the disciples of Jesus would identify themselves when approaching God in prayer.

Does God know you?
“Yes, of course,” you reply.
Yet, in what way?

Without Jesus you are no different than any other sinner. God gives no special privileges to one sinner over another. So, as a sinner you have no expectation that God would respond to your words or my words when we speak on our own, that is, in our own name. Would we dare to approach God to speak to Him face-to-face in our name?

Without Jesus we are rebellious sinners. As humans we broke the original relationship the Creator had with his created. We are unholy.

However, God does recognize Jesus. So, when Christians approach God, speaking in the name of Jesus...God springs forward to listen, to give gifts, to protect, to assist, to forgive. He responds to those He loves, and He loves those who are clothed with Christ, those who have devoted their lives to Jesus the King.


Do not take lightly the words that you speak in prayer to God. The words, “ Jesus’ name,” are not added to a prayer as a command. Nor are they magic as if to control or manipulate Deity. Nor are they a trite ending to our prayers like an “excuse me” after a sneeze (just good manners).

When we pray we ought to remember that we have been given the privilege to speak to God, but in Jesus’ name. Considering that privilege, we ought to give thought to the content of our prayers. When we speak to God in Jesus’ name, the things we say ought to reflect the will of our Savior, and not our self-centered will. Then, when we stand before God, we stand with the assurance that Jesus spoke of. We can be confident that God will listen and respond to those who come to him with a heart of humility and faith...
...In Jesus’ name.

Mark Stinnett
November 5, 2023

1 comment:

  1. I love this Mark! I have been around others and even heard other ministers pray without using “in Jesus name “ at the end of a prayer. I’ve wondered why they don’t. So appreciate these thoughts and scriptures.


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