Monday, June 12, 2023

The Proud, The Lowly and The Blessed

In the course of a conversation with his boss, my friend was asked about his loyalty to our school Superintendent. My friend then asked a clarifying question, “Are you asking me if I would lie for the Superintendent?”

Regardless of how the question was asked, my friend recognized that loyalty to the established hierarchy had been elevated above morality. He looked for another job.

When you think about my friend’s conversation with his new boss, the question was not really about loyalty, but about control. The boss was trying to discover if he could control my friend.

Throughout the ages mankind has attempted to take control. Men and women have coveted positions of authority. Lacking authority many have turned to strength or the use of money.

If you don’t have authority or strength or money, beauty and charm may work. For others, intellect is a sure bet. Just think about the use of statistics. After gathering all kinds of information it is processed and analyzed and then used to predict future outcomes. Decisions are no longer based on chance or ‘gut feelings’ but statistical probabilities...and statistics don’t lie!

Mankind is interested in anything that will give him greater control over his circumstances, and that includes control over people. Those who prize control often exploit weaknesses in people, loopholes in legal code, and even popular opinion in order to manipulate others.

Solomon wrote about all this…
Pride goes before destruction, 
   and a haughty spirit before a fall.
It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor 
   than to divide the spoil with the proud. 
 —Proverbs 16:18-19
The one who thinks he can take control of his life is naïve. He is full of pride.

So, is the proverb a natural truth, like gravity? Is it the case that those with a haughty spirit will fall because that is God’s design, just like gravity is God’s design? Or is it more the case that the prideful person will eventually fall as a result of divine judgment?

Both views are relevant. There are cases in which the prideful person is destroyed as a matter of how things work in this world. Yet, it is also true that ultimately God will condemn those who are full of pride regardless of their experience on earth.

Those with a lowly spirit are compared to those who “divide the spoil” (or plunder). This refers to those who overpower and take material wealth through immoral activity.

Solomon said it is better to reside with the humble. The idea is that it is better to choose righteousness and be content with poverty, than to obtain wealth immorally.

So, why would a person turn to immoral activity to obtain wealth? Isn’t it a matter of faith? Either they do not believe God can/will fill their needs or they do not think God will fill their needs to their satisfaction. Lacking faith, they pridefully take control of life’s circumstances! Yet, God opposes the proud. (James 4:6)

Finally, Solomon does not just denounce pride, he points to the way of life:
Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, 
   and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord. 
 —Proverbs 16:20
The Lord’s way provides real confidence in life. The blessed will walk by faith, not by sight.

Mark Stinnett
June 11, 2023

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