Monday, October 12, 2020

Listening to a Thankful Heart

He sat gazing into the distance and thoughtfully remarked, “I’ve been thinking about a lot of things.” The previous day Uncle James had blessed me with wise words that ‘I’ needed. His mind was sharp, but working more slowly than usual. I waited for more wisdom; he continued, “I am so thankful for the way God has blessed me with family and so many loving friends...” another pause, “...and biscuits and gravy.” (We both laughed!)

My uncle’s 83-year-old body was worn out. No one knew how much time he had left, so family members and friends visited. He had been an elder of the church for 42 years and even though it was a time in life that he needed to be served he was serving others...and I listened.

Leadership and service: 
Our young people need to know the importance of serving and leading in the Lord’s church. Preachers and elders need to encourage our people to be responsible and take initiative and serve. Young men need to be encouraged to plan to be teachers and preachers and deacons and elders in the future. They need to learn what God expects and then reach for that as a goal. Serving God’s people is noble.

God made man and He knows what is good for man. God created man with the expectation of having a companion. When He said that it is not good for man to be alone, He meant for man to find a good wife.

God’s Word: 
God made man and He knows what is good for man. God’s word is not against man, it is for man. God wants us to be happy and to enjoy all that He created. He wants us to enjoy each other. His word is not there to hurt us, but help us. Some people fight against God’s word. They try to make it accommodate them and their choices. But if we do what God has instructed, we will be so much happier.

Listening and Obeying: 
We need to read God’s word. We need to study God’s word. We need to learn God’s word. But that is not all; it’s not good to go around with all that knowledge of God’s word only in your mind. We need to do what God has said. We need to be active. God expects us to act according to His word.

Uncle James never once mentioned his career, awards, or achievements. He didn’t talk about places he’d been or things he’d done. People; he talked about people. His life was full of places and events and accomplishments and career, but even then, it was about people. He said that the Lord knew what He was talking about when He gave us the Second Great Command: Love your neighbor as yourself. God knows that we really know how to love self. That is natural; the way He created us. So, He wanted us to think about what we love so much (self) and turn that love outward toward others.

He said little ‘about’ thankfulness. Yet, everything he said came from a thankful heart. Family, friends, his church family, the men with whom he served as an elder, his first wife (who met an untimely death), his second wife, the joy of his sons, grandkids, a ‘second’ family. (A family photo hangs on the wall. It is your typical family photo except that it was mostly people I didn’t know; the family he inherited with his second marriage...and he sat front and center beaming with joy.) Over and over and over he spoke of the way that God had blessed him...and he was thankful. He was thankful for the great blessings of life, but also the little many little things...even a plate of biscuits and gravy.

This wisdom he learned from his heavenly Father. I was listening; I hope you are too.

Mark Stinnett
October 11, 2020


  1. I enjoyed you at YBC in 2019 and just found your blog spot, thanks to Joy Ulmer. I'll be checking back now that I know your URL. Keep spreading His word. The world needs it!


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