Monday, September 9, 2019

Who Would Rage Against God?

Who in their right mind would be filled with rage against God?

After all, God is our creator. He gives life. He makes the sun shine and the rain fall on the earth for the benefit of all people. He sent His Son to redeem mankind. Yet, Solomon wrote:

The foolishness of man subverts his way,
And his heart rages against the LORD.
--Proverbs 19:3
Foolishness is a lack of understanding and discernment. A foolish person is one who does not consider the consequences of his choices. He just blunders along thinking everything will somehow work out.

Subvert means to twist, pervert or ruin.

His way refers to the actual ‘path of life’ along which a person walks. It involves the reasoning behind the choices, thought, speech and behavior. It also includes the thinking behind daily decision and long-term plans. It is descriptive of one’s direction in life and its outcome.

To subvert his way is to change course in life. It describes a generally good direction being twisted or perverted so that the person goes in a different direction and experiences a different outcome. His foolishness is behind it all.

Rage is a word that describes a constant ongoing anger that affects one’s overall disposition. It is not just a flash of anger from a hot temper.

The proverb describes people who desire to go along the path of life without opposition to their choices. They want to “live and let live” and enjoy tolerance. Yet, ultimately, their expectation is that everybody would tolerate their thinking, their behavior, their speech, their rights, their choices, their values. When they encounter any kind of opposition to their way, they cry out, “Don’t judge me!”

They are foolish because they blunder through life without a thought of the consequences of their choices. Then when things do not go well, they become angry...even angry at God.

In our day they include those who take marriage casually: Those who desire the sexual privileges of marriage, yet do not marry; who are unfaithful to their spouse; who swap spouses; who quit one marriage for another without thought; who engage in homosexuality.

Oddly, many who are sexually immoral claim faith in God while discrediting His word. Where their choices are condemned in the Bible they claim that it is outdated or wrong or misinterpreted. After all, God surely accepts them just the way they are…because God made them the way they are. They worship a god of tolerance.

Many churches and preachers stand under the banner of God and Christianity, yet do not hold to God’s teachings. In foolishness they ‘subvert the way’ for many who wish to find acceptance regardless of their attitudes and behaviors.

In truth, God will accept anyone who comes to Him in faith. Yet, He intends to transform people into the image of Christ, not tolerate their life of sin. God is holy and He demands holiness.

So, it should be no surprise that when confronted with the glaring reality of God’s unchangeable holiness, many lash out in rage. Do not take it personally when people who reject the Scriptures are corrected. Their rage is against God.

There is a battle. It is not about issues and arguments; it is about souls. There are many who can out-argue you; many who stubbornly refuse to listen. We must lift up Jesus in love.

Be on guard for yourself. Be wise.

Mark Stinnett

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