Monday, August 19, 2019

What Are You Doing on Social Media?

When it comes to social media, I’ll admit that my phone’s a dinosaur and I’m a caveman. But I’m not naïve. Social media can be really good , but also really bad. Like so many things in life, social media is not the problem, but the way people use it can be.

What are some pitfalls of social media?
  1. Everybody can see your post: My wife told our kids, “Assume that anything you post will be seen by your mother.” That’s great advice, because social media is simply NOT’s social. The typical mindset when posting is very narrowly focused. People think of a small audience of friends who will enjoy their post. Yet, regardless of the app used, there is always a way to capture and share posts. And if it’s questionable, your mom probably WILL see it. (God will too.)
  2. There is no ‘undo’: You cannot unspeak and you cannot unpost. Sure, you can ‘delete’ your post, but it is still out there. There are real companies with real computers that store all the text, pics and videos posted to the ‘cloud.’ In addition, facial recognition software is used with amazing accuracy. The primary objective of a tech company is to make money; they DO NOT really care about you or your reputation. So, assume that your posts are archived, not deleted, and that your face has been identified.
  3. You cannot undo stupid: We all have moments in our lives that we wish we could erase. Social media does not forget; it documents stupid for all time (like a tattoo you regret). If you post a rant, do you want your boss to read it? A prospective employer? (Yes, they check social media.) What about your Bible study group? Those friends you forgot were your friends? What happens when you change your view!! Not only that, think of the foolish pics/videos, not the silly ones, the truly embarrassing ones; things that really were inappropriate. There is no unsee.
  4. Social media reveals: Review your posts over the past year; what kinds of things did you post? [‘Selfies’ can easily become ’selfish-ies.’] I found that I enjoy family, gardening, flowers, butterflies, food and humor in the form of silliness and light sarcasm...and, of course, writing about the Bible and spiritual things. I really enjoyed my past posts. No regrets. What does social media tell about you?
Understand that social media is a means of communication and God had some things to say about our communication. We find warnings and encouragement from the Book of Proverbs:
A fool does not delight in understanding,
But only in revealing his own mind. (18:2)
He who winks the eye will be ruined.
And a babbling fool will be ruined. (10:10)
Let another praise you, and not your own mouth…. (27:2)
Can you apply this nugget of wisdom to your use of social media?
Dead flies make a perfumer’s oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor. 
—Ecclesiastes 10:1
And finally, listen to the Apostle Paul:
So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. 
—Romans 14:19
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus….
—2 Timothy 2:19
It is not just about being careful, but about being wise.

Mark Stinnett

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