Monday, January 1, 2018

Destroyer’s Brother

How about that for a nickname!?

Perhaps a warrior, a wrestler or a football player would have a sense of pride in the nickname ‘Destroyer,’ but in general it would not be a flattering name. 'Destroyer' is associated with violence and pain.

Look at a photograph of the aftermath of a tornado or hurricane. Chaotic. Good things broken; beautiful things twisted, often beyond recognition; valuable things ruined or lost.

We understand that the storm is just a storm. It has no intent of its own, no vengeance of its own. However, when a person is the force behind destruction, we are angered. And why!?...Because of the senseless nature of acts of destruction.

We may ask, “What was his motive?” We may struggle to understand. Yet, our deeper desire is for justice. The destroyer deserves punishment! The destroyer must be stopped! He can no longer be allowed to threaten society!

The destroyer does not merely destroy physical things, he confuses minds, inflames emotions, interrupts and destroys lives. The destroyer is evil.

If I told you that Destroyer has a 'brother,' would you understand the personification and the play on words? Surely, you would recognize that Destroyer is given human qualities. The 'brother' is not one and the same as Destroyer, but rather, so closely related that the two are tightly bonded together having the same character. Consequently, they are very, very similar in their behavior. You might even come up with a synonym for Destroyer as a nickname for his brother.

How do you think about someone who destroys?
How do you feel about someone who destroys?
How would you deal with a person who destroys?

Capture all of those thoughts and feelings; then let me introduce you to the brother of the destroyer.
He also who is slack in his work
Is brother to him who destroys.

--Proverbs 18:9
What will you do with the new year!?

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