Monday, October 2, 2017

What Can 'I' Do?

Not everyone can go overseas as a missionary. Not everyone can give up a successful career to preach. Not everyone is equipped to teach. Christians are not expected to serve in the same way. We really are not all created equal. In fact, not only do we differ in ability, our individual abilities change over time. So, what is expected? The Apostle Paul guides us...

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. —Ephesians 2:10

Before the first disciple began to follow Jesus God had already planned for his people to do good works. In fact, we are crafted by God for the purpose of good works. Good works should be the direct outcome of having been saved by the grace of God.

What a contrast! We formerly walked in “trespasses and sins” (v. 11), but in Christ are equipped to walk in good works! So, what specifically is required?

Have you ever tried to ‘justify’ yourself by asking, “And what good works should I do?” Just listen to Jesus:

"And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you he shall not lose his reward."     --Matthew 10:42

To give something in the name of a disciple is, by extension, giving in the name of the disciple’s teacher. Prior to this verse in Matthew, Jesus had explained that “He who receives you [His disciple], receives Me and he who receives Me, receives Him who sent Me [God].”

So, why would anyone give a cup of cold water? Perhaps it is as simple as this: Someone needs a drink. And that simple kindness is a good work!

That's good, but there's more to say...

In recent years I have watched my parents grow old along with their friends and other Christians of their generation. Their bones are more fragile than before; their bodies are more susceptible to disease and heal slower. They are weaker than they once were, and slower too. They are not as mentally sharp as they once were, and slower too.

Eventually, our ‘seniors’ have to step down as elders, as teachers, as song leaders, as volunteers in various activities, etc. Those who once were the backbone of the congregation now need assistance; more and more as time goes on. There are fewer of their good works as time passes. So, what’s all this ‘senior’ business about?

If you don’t know what else to do (senior or not), pray?
It is not prayer that is so powerful, but our God who listens!

Do you remember how the Apostles handled the request by the Greek widows for assistance (Acts 6)? Seven men were selected to take care of the that the Apostles could devote their efforts to the Word and to prayer. They understood that prayer was vital.

God has equipped you for good works, whether the simple gift of giving a cool drink of water or the vital work of prayer or anything in between.
What will YOU do?

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