Monday, September 4, 2017

Who Stands Against Injustice?

   Do not move the ancient boundary, 
   Or go into the fields of the fatherless.
   --Proverbs 23:10

At first glance you might think, “What does this have to do with anything?" Or, "What does this have to do with me?” For most of us boundaries and fields are not a major concern.

The next verse provides illumination:
   For their Redeemer is strong;
   He will plead their case against you.
   --Proverbs 23:11

The simple teaching is that God, “their Redeemer,” is watching. He is concerned about the weak and those who are victims of misfortune.

God expects his people to act with kindness and generosity toward others. He expects fairness, that is, justice. He expects his people to stand up for the weak and to help the poor. God expects his people to be like him.

'Moving an ancient boundary' meant that  a person moved the property line on someone else's land. 'Going into the field' means that a person used or harvested a field for their benefit. In this case, it was a field that did not belong to them. In both cases the proverb describes actions in which a person was taking advantage of someone who was weak in some way.

On the playground we call that person a ‘bully.’ Of course, the bully is not only found on the playground. He preys on the weak, the elderly, the sick, the uneducated, and the underprivileged. He steal money and personal possessions and property by deceit, manipulation, and/or brute strength. He might disguise himself as a good businessman or politician. He might take advantage of people by cleverly manipulating company policy or civil/social law. He behaves unjustly because he can get away with it.

God assures us that he is watching and that he will take up the case of injustice against the weak. He will speak when there is no one to speak. He will act when there is no one to act. He will demand justice, and do not think his justice will be kind.

How Great is our God!
Great in mercy.
Great in forgiveness.
Great in awesome power.

Great in JUSTICE!

If we are to be like God,
   ...we will be concerned (mind and heart) about the weak and the poor;
   ...we will be watching (eyes and ears) to make sure people are treated fairly;
   ...we will stand up (feet and hands) for the weak and poor where there are abuses.

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