Monday, May 23, 2016


Have you ever thought, “It won’t happen to me.” Perhaps that was not your exact thought, but other folks (parents) seem a little overprotective or overly cautious. It is not that you are unaware of dangers in life. In fact, you are aware, keenly aware. You are quite certain that you will not make the same foolish mistakes that others make. You would not take a risk that you knew could really harm you.
"It won’t happen to me."

Some folks have overestimated their physical abilities; underestimated the power of the forces of nature (wind, water, lightening, etc.); or have possibly ignored cold hard facts. Many have taken risks without thinking things through. Are you the type of person who looks ahead and thinks about the future? Do you stop and think about the natural consequences of your choices?

Parents worry about kids. They do not want them to be hurt. They are especially mindful of negative influences in our present society. It is common for kids to think that they can hang with questionable friends and remain unaffected. When you talk to them, they sound as if they are untouchable. Many believe that they will be the good influence on their friends. Their friends will not influence them negatively.

Kids (and many adults) think they can walk with the 'fun' crowd or the rowdy group yet not be influenced by them. They believe they can engage in all sorts of activities and entertainment without being affected by the violence, sex, and illegal or immoral behavior. They have no intention of doing anything wrong themselves, yet they laugh at drunkenness, accept homosexuality as normal, think of faith in God as blind faith or superstition. The friend or movie star with no conscience is idolized.

Among 'friends' sin is funny or inviting or normal or just another point of view. So..."It's OK. I'm not going to get into any of that kind of stuff. We're just friends having fun." Untouchable.

Solomon had a word for the kind of thinking that accepts everyone and everything as if it is all OK: folly. He also had a word for the ‘open-minded’ person who lacks caution (discretion) and does not make wise choices (lacks discernment): fool.

Solomon warned that a person would be better off meeting up with an angry violent mama bear that had been robbed of her cubs, than to meet up with a fool in his folly.

Is anyone so strong that he/she can associate with fools and their folly and come away ‘untouched’? 
Only the fool would think so.

   Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs,
   Rather than a fool in his folly.
   --Proverbs 17:12

Life really doesn't care who you are or what you plan for the future. Do not run with fools; do not participate in folly...not even for a day! You are not untouchable!

Be wise.

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