Monday, July 10, 2023

Channels of Water

“God is in control.”

Those words can become cliché. It is not that any Christian would disagree. We accept this truth, but we have heard it over and over and over so that it can become unimpressive.

Solomon had a way of exposing this same truth, yet in a way that captivates the mind.
The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD;
He turns it wherever He wishes.
--Proverbs 21:1

Kings of the Earth:
Kings are powerful. In fact, the king has his way. He controls the army of his land. He decides to build or not build, to go to war or not go to war, to make an alliance or not. The people of the land depend on the king for security and protection; for the ability to conduct business, grow crops, keep livestock, and make a living; for laws that benefit the people and the land, and the just enforcement of those laws. The king has the power and authority to grant life or take life. At the his word or the motion of his hand, the king's will is done.

Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes as the result of his search for meaning (though limiting his search to the physical universe). He spoke of his search, and in doing so revealed the extent of the power and authority of a king.
All that my eyes desired I did not refuse them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure….
—Ecclesiastes 2:10
Though prideful, King Nebuchadnezzar possessed power and glory and majesty. He was indeed sovereign. (Daniel 4:30-31)

That is what it means to be a king of the earth!

Father God:
It is not mother nature but Father God who directs the streams of water on the earth. It is by His thought and by His authority and by His power that their course is set. With ease the Creator conducts the course of rivers and streams by His hand.

How great is our God who directs the channels of water on the earth!

God is in Control:
The One who directs the channels of water also turns the hearts of kings. It is not that kings are unable to choose, but God can overrule their decisions in order to accomplish his will. He can direct their hearts and influence their thoughts …and he does.

This is not a description of destiny or divine puppetry. Rather, God is in control.
  • God discerns.
  • God decides.
  • God influences.
  • God turns hearts.
  • God carries out His divine will.

Politics, economics, social issues, conflict and war; these are all the affairs of men: God is in control.

The twinkling of the stars, the fury of the sun, the elliptical path of the earth, the orbit of the moon; the paths of channels of water, the presence of the mountains and caverns and shorelines; the breath of life: God is in control.

To the one who believes, this is rest.
To the one who scoffs, he will one day shudder.
To the one who comprehends…he cannot help but stand in awe!

Mark Stinnett
July 9, 2023

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